Le Comte de Montecristo + CD

Le Comte de Montecristo + CD
Le Comte de Montecristo + CD
3 590 Ft Az áthúzott ár az árcsökkentés alkalmazását megelőző 30 nap legalacsonyabb eladási ára. 3 242 Ft
Edmond Dantes arrives at the port of Marseille after a long voyageP>at sea. He has every reason to be happy: he is going to marry the beautiful Mercedes and be named captain of the ship Le Pharaon. But a horrible plot will compromise this beautiful future: he is arrested and locked in the terrible prison Chateau D'If. Why has he been imprisoned? Through betrayal or lies? Abandoned by all, he meets Father Faria ..._x000D_
After escaping from the prison, he become very rich thanks to Father_x000D_
Faria's treasure and settles in Paris. Under the mysterious name of Count of Monte Cristo, he goes in search of those who have unjustly sent him to prison. His revenge for his enemies and their families will be pitiless...
Alexandre Dumas